First, sovereignty rests with the people, not unelected mandarins ... a fragmented nation could falter in a globalized age. Yet the Anti-Federalists would counter: efficiency isn’t liberty.
In foreign policy, Federalists generally favored England over France. Anti-Federalists such as Thomas Jefferson feared that a concentration of central authority might lead to a loss of individual ...
Senior Contributor for 'The Federalist' Ben Weingarten reacts to pro-Palestinian protests in Brooklyn and U.S. funding for ...
And the people at the Federalist aren’t the kind that the powers in Silicon Valley companies care about very much, even if they do take an occasional Jane Goodall–ish interest in conservatives.
My previous post noted the Committee’s mischaracterization of the Federalist Society’s advocacy, which it simply does not do on particular issues before any branch of government. When it turns ...