Lane Lewallen, a friend of Delta Flight 191 victim Lori Shaver, bows his head on a church pew, Aug. 5, 1985, during a ...
The crash of Delta Airlines Flight 191 at DFW Airport wasn't just a tragic event - it was the catalyst for change in aviation ...
Jim Lounsbury: Friday, May 25th, American Airlines' Flight 191, a DC-10 wide-bodied jet, taxies away from the gate at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport for a routine flight to Los Angeles.
FAA administrator from 1977 to 1981, Bond oversaw the rollout of computerized national air traffic control system, but will always be linked to Flight 191 crash in 1979.
11, 2001, terrorist attacks, which were a deliberate act of violence. American Airlines Flight 191 departed Chicago on May 25, 1979. Moments after takeoff, the "left engine and strut assembly ...