I t's a pipe dream of mine to one day own a Frank Lloyd Wright home - or at least a home with a similar vibe. But besides the ...
Work is under way to make the architect’s most famous home water tight—a project that is expected cost about 40 more times ...
Fallingwater’s ambitious design and partial position over a waterfall have left the property in a somewhat precarious state ...
For a tall person, visiting Fallingwater—Frank Lloyd Wright’s most famous house—can be a little scary. Wright made the “parapet walls”—the low barriers around the house’s many ...
The Plaza Hotel suite where Frank Lloyd Wright resided during construction of the Guggenheim Museum is up for sale for $18.9 ...
Now, Gunther and his team are in the middle of a massive repair project which is slated to cost $US7 million ($11 million).
(Paint for the walls? Not needed ... This is something that Frank Lloyd Wright pretty much invented," Otero-Pailos said. "He is someone that inspired people when he was alive, and has continued ...
The geometric home, today owned by a Tulsa real estate investor, has gotten a significant price cut since it listed last year ...
She also shared part of the home’s lore includes a tale it was originally “designed and built by an architect who was a student of Frank Lloyd Wright,” who built the 1,615-square-foot ...
Every house needs a new roof every few decades, even architectural marvels like Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater. But ...