为探究 mtDNA 突变在 ALS - FTLD 发病机制中的作用,研究人员用 hiPSCs - 衍生脑类器官研究,发现 C9ORF72 突变星形胶质细胞 mtSNV 负担高,或助力靶向治疗。 # 揭开肌萎缩侧索硬化症与额颞叶痴呆背后的 “基因密码”:线粒体 DNA 突变的新发现 在神经科学的神秘领域中 ...
FTLD patients with professions ranked highly for verbal skills, such as chief executive, showed atrophy in right temporal lobe. In those with professions ranked lower for verbal skills, such as ...
Neumann et al. have identified the ubiquitinated protein that forms inclusion bodies in neurons of both individuals with frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) and those with amyotrophic lateral ...