The module provides an introduction to core aspects of contemporary neuroscience, and it will consider the current state of knowledge in the field, central theoretical issues and key practical ...
One of the hopes for future brain research is that we can translate our remarkable progress in fundamental neuroscience into a biological understanding of human behavior and its disorders.
The prerequisite is BIOL 3020. NEUR 3500: Introduction to Neuroscience 2: Behavioral and Cognitive This course introduces fundamentals of the neural bases of cognition and behavior. Areas of study ...
The PhD in Neuroscience is an interdepartmental program that is entered from a participating department. The program has a "track" structure, with each track tailored to the needs of students in ...
The undergraduate degree in neuroscience at Brandeis provides a deep and general scientific education, while exposing students to the fundamentals of how neurons and neural circuits function and adapt ...