If you notice creamy white marks on your baby’s tongue or on an elderly person's tongue at home, that is what oral thrush looks like. Also called oral candidiasis, it is a fungal infection that ...
The common symptoms of the infection include headache, swollen eyes, patchy tongue, cough, fever, body ache and chest pain. A black fungus is healing Chernobyl by absorbing nuclear radiation!
You can get it on one side of your mouth or on both sides at the same time. “What we call angular cheilitis is usually irritation or a yeast infection at the corners of the mouth from collection ...
Yeast infection” is the term used to describe chronic and persistent fungal infections of the skin, mouth, digestive system ...
White fungus infections are “dangerous and can affect many parts of the body including lungs, nails, skin, the stomach, kidneys, brain and mouth,” BP Tyagi, an ear, nose and throat surgeon fro ...