Using high-quality single crystals, the team conducted atomic-level structural determinations, revealing a lattice that supports unique electronic properties, including superconductivity at 0.25 K.
Students from different disciplines and different levels of experience should be able to correlate the potential of the unusual aspects of superconductors, as compared to normal conductors, with what ...
The development of room-temperature superconductors remains a major goal in the field, as it would revolutionize many aspects of technology and energy systems. Future research in superconductivity ...
To have been alive over the last five decades is to have seen superconductors progress from only possible at near-absolute-zero temperatures, to around the temperature of liquid nitrogen in the ...
Quantum technology requires engineers, physicists, chemists and computer scientists, working in systems from atoms to superconductors. Princeton brings together renowned ... Meet some of our faculty ...
One hundred years after its discovery by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, superconductivity is still one of the most fascinating and challenging topics in condensed-matter physics. We celebrate the ...
These new superconductors are iron-based ... which is anyway more directly relevant to future applications based on these materials. Let us for a moment go back to that condensed-matter physicist ...