近日,外媒统计了过去一年里职业选手的最高爆头率和最高身体击杀率榜单。 其中,G2战队危地马拉选手malbsMd以66.1%的爆头率登顶爆头率榜单。Spirit战队步枪手zont1x则以63%身体击杀率继续保持第一位置。 爆头率榜单TOP5 malbsMd:66.1%爆头率,1442个击杀 mzinho:65%爆头率,1665个击杀 b1t:63%爆头率,2376个击杀 kauez:62.2%爆头率 ...
Unfortunately, Amanek and kennyS will be benched for the upcoming season. G2 Esports announced on their social media that they have completed their 2022 roster with the signing of Aleksi “Aleksib” ...
The two teams that made it to the grand finals have proven themselves as the best teams right now in CS:GO. Natus Vincere, also known as Na’Vi and G2 Esports waltz into the Avicii Arena full of hope, ...