CAPE TOWN, Feb 26 (Reuters) - Japan told its G20 counterparts that free, open and rules-based trade was important to sustain global economic growth, a senior finance ministry official told ...
日本时间2月26日傍晚,为期两天的二十国集团(g20)财长和央行行长会议将在南非开普敦拉开帷幕。日本银行总裁植田和男和财务副大臣斋藤洋明将 ...
Cabinet has expressed its support for the strengthened relationship between South Africa and Japan following Deputy President Paul Mashatile’s working visit to Japan earlier this month.
Japan, Mexico, Russia, the Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, SA, Turkey, the UK and the US. SA holds the G20 Presidency for 2025. Why is this significant? The G20 Presidency rotates annually among ...
Deputy President Paul Mashatile has successfully concluded his working visit to Japan, which sought to reaffirm the strong ...
近日,二十国集团(G20)外长会议、财长和央行行长会议相继在南非召开。G20峰会今年首次由非洲国家主持、在非洲大陆召开,又恰逢联合国成立80 ...
Be among those who shape the future with knowledge. Uncover exclusive stories that captivate your mind and heart with our FREE 14-day subscription trial. Dive into a world of inspiration, learning, ...