3月11日消息,加拿大正致力于小型模块化反应堆(SMR)的投资,以实现核能供应的多元化。政府发布的新闻稿指出,环境与气候变化部长史蒂芬·吉尔博代表威尔金森部长宣布,加拿大环境与气候变化部未来电力基金(FEF)将向安大略发电公司拨款5500万美元,以资助达灵顿新核电项目。该项目计划在达灵顿安装三台GE日立BWRX-300 SMR,每台机组预计能产生300兆瓦电力,足以供应约90万户家庭。 萨斯喀彻温 ...
GE Vernova's focus on decarbonization faces profitability challenges. Find out why GEV stock’s high valuation and uncertain ...
The company's small modular reactor, or SMR, is designed to reduce the cost of building new nuclear plants, said Nicole ...
A nuclear advocacy group believes Canada should cancel plans for the U.S. designed BWRX-300 small modular reactor project at ...
GE Hitachi, Holtec, Rolls-Royce SMR and Westinghouse have been issued with an Invitation to Submit Final Tenders, with Great British Nuclear saying it remains on track to select the chosen technology ...
“These MoUs with Boccard and Cavendish Nuclear strengthen our commitment to working with the UK nuclear supply chain to deliver our BWRX-300 SMR technology in the UK,” said Andy ...
South Korea’s largest shipbuilder, HD Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., is deepening its partnership with TerraPower LLC, the US ...
In all, GE Aerospace will invest more than $140 million across Ohio, but the bulk of that investment will be split among three Greater Cincinnati locations.