In some cases, individuals are tried in absentia—meaning they are not physically present in court throughout the proceedings and during conviction. This can happen for various reasons, such as when a ...
Police and Prosecution on Tuesday, March 4 received Ahmed Napoleon Mbonyunkiza, a genocide convict deported from the United States, where he had just completed a fifteen-year prison sentence over ...
The deportation this week of a one Ahmed Napoleon Mbonyunkiza from the United States for his role in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi is a welcome step towards justice despite the long time it has ...
In the Tall Grass picks up where Hotel Rwanda left off, focusing on the Hutu and Tutsi as they struggle through Rwanda’s unique reconciliation process Gacaca, a network of grassroots community courts.
Gacaca jurisdictions and conventional courts differ from each other in law, procedure, and personnel, but the two nonetheless comprise a single judicial system with considerable interchange ...
Implement the safeguards established by the 2004 Gacaca Law, which would permit a rape victim to give testimony before a single gacaca judge, confidential testimony in writing, or testimony to ...