Jiselle Anne Casucian/VBL, GMA Integrated News This article VR games developed to support people with dementia, cerebral palsy was originally published in GMA News Online.
From the April/May 2016 issue of our magazine, read about the many activities involving plants, flowers and gardens that a person with dementia might find enriching ... Indoors, laying out a selection ...
have been using gesture- and scent-based board games in recent research to help people suffering with dementia stay engaged with and connected to the people around them, as well as their culture.
Rural families navigating the challenges of dementia have a new resource outside the city, with monthly events starting Friday. Several local organizations are coming together to offer a new monthly ...
That's why the NIDUS-Family program is a game-changing intervention for people with dementia ..." "This research shows we have at our fingertips a cost-effective, realistic solution offering ...
Dementia, or brain change ... It is a deeply social game, connecting people within a community to one another through camaraderie and for the love of the game." After attending an information ...