the Autism Research Project published the largest genetic study of autism so far, identifying 226 gene mutations that are found in people with the syndrome 1. Children with autism are 20% more ...
Researchers at Rambam Medical Center in Haifa have identified a genetic mutation linked to a certain type of autism, developmental delays and movement disorders. The mutation in the TBCB gene ...
The Google cofounder has donated more than $1.5 billion to Parkinson’s research. Now, as he takes on autism, he’s also investing in startups that might help.
Researchers say they are building on growing evidence that gut microbiota may influence brain function, mood and cognition.
A gene that may increase the risk of autism in the general population has been identified for the first time by scientists. The gene was discovered in a chromosome region previously suspected of ...
Autism spectrum disorders are defined as a group of complex and lifelong neurodevelopmental disorders which are characterized by varying degrees of pertinent deficits in two areas: Examples of ...
Illana Gozes, examined the effects of different mutations in the ADNP protein ... Additionally, it was found that defects in the ADNP gene cause ADNP syndrome, a rare genetic disorder associated with ...
The study began when a genetic mutation was found in two patients with schizophrenia at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass. They had multiple copies of a section of DNA that included the gene for GLDC.
A novel scientific method developed at Tel Aviv University promises to accelerate our understanding of the gene PTEN, a key ...
A human-specific NOVA1 gene variant may have influenced the emergence of spoken language. When introduced into mice, it ...
Male fertility declines with age, increasing genetic risks for children. Discover how fathering a child later in life may ...
focused on the CHD8 gene, which is critical for brain and gut development. Mutations in CHD8 are among the most common genetic markers for autism.