The small marble temple on the rock’s southwest corner dedicated to Athena Nike (Victorious Athena ... along with the base of the cult statue of the goddess also found in 1936, and a tower ...
And it was thus as much a temple to Athens and the Athenians as it was to their patron goddess, Athena herself. Because it played such a crucial role in the Athenians' construction of themselves ...
This is a cast of the viewer's left side of block o from the south frieze of the Temple of Athena Nike on the Acropolis at Athens. The south frieze depicts a battle between Greeks and Persians, ...
or "Athena the Virgin," the magnificent Parthenon stands atop the Acropolis, on the site of another lost temple to Athens' patron goddess. Little is known about this first structure except that it ...
The most famous temple in Greece was the Parthenon in Athens. Inside stood a giant statue of Athena, the patron goddess of the city. When people needed help from the gods, they went to the temple ...
After the Greeks defeated the armies of Xerxes at Salamis, there was a resurgence in her imagery, presenting her as a goddess who was granted victory in war. The temple of Athena Nike, that is ...