Great horned owls are adaptable birds and live from the ... and may be the only animal with such an appetite. They sometimes hunt for smaller game by standing or walking along the ground.
Discover how great gray owls hunt beneath snowy landscapes in this NatureSmart column by naturalist and author.
I was leading a couple groups to northern Minnesota to see winter finches and northern owls. On both trips we were successful ...
This owl is easily identified by the large tufts of feathers on their head, their study body, and their confident hunting and ...
Because of owls’ nocturnal lifestyles and their hunting of mice, rats and other rodents that can be pests for humans, these ...
"They’re both great horned owls," said Stephen Rice ... "They are nocturnally active, so they are hunting at night and active at night, but during the day is their time to rest.
What appears to be a great horned owl takes a moment to recuperate its strength before flying off Tuesday, after it was freed by Ellicott police officers from a soccer net near 200 Hunt Road. Ellicott ...