国内RNA分子诊断的先行者仁度生物(688193.SH )近日迎来国际化战略重要突破。 2月18日,仁度生物宣布,与印度企业Green Apple Medical System在上海签署战略合作协议,双方将整合RNA诊断技术与渠道优势,共同开拓南亚及东南亚体外诊断市场。 据第三方机构数据显示 ...
Recent genomic studies have brought to light the existence of an array of noncoding RNAs. RNA antibodies would certainly be welcome tools to study the biology of these molecules, but the reality ...
The central dogma of molecular biology suggests that the primary role of RNA is to convert the information stored in DNA into proteins. In reality, there is much more to the RNA story. However ...
The RNA polymerase is responsible for the replication of viral genetic material and the activation of viral genes, and is ...
consisting of approximately 25.0M RNA sequences and 54.2B RNA bases. The green dots on the global mean temperature map represent the geographical distribution of these plant species across the world.