But until now they had never spoken. For Greta Thunberg's guest-edit of the Today programme, she met Sir David Attenborough (via Skype as they didn't want to add to their carbon footprints ...
Disclaimer: The content presented here is for entertainment purposes only and does not guarantee the authenticity or accuracy ...
Greta Thunberg FAKE ARREST conspiracy theories! Greta Thunberg, celebrity climate activist, has been all over social media posts in her recent participation of a climate protest in Germany.
Greta Thunberg burst onto the global stage in August 2018 when she was just 15 years old. Armed with a well-crafted placard that read "School Strike for Climate," Greta took a stand outside the ...
At the helm is 16-year-old Greta Thunberg. Over the last year, the teenager has entered the global spotlight as the leader of a youth movement that's pushing governments and corporations to ...
After a year spent protesting on the streets, it was Greta Thunberg’s moment on the world stage, and she did not disappoint, accusing leaders of betrayal and repeatedly demanding “How dare you?” ...
Throwback to the time Young Post spoke with Greta Thunberg With today’s emissions levels, our remaining CO2 budget will be gone in less than 8.5 years. You say you “hear” us and that you ...
Greta Thunberg briefly interrupted by man on stage at climate protest in Amsterdam The interruption happened after Thunberg invited a Palestinian and an Afghan woman to speak at a climate protest ...
The Medical Establishment’s Persistent Zeal to Impose DEI in Education Before I tell you a story about celebrity youth activist Greta Thunberg’s inevitable ideological journey from climate ...