此外,AFM 的高速版本 —— 高速原子力显微镜(High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy,HS-AFM),成像速度可达每秒 1 - 100 帧,能够提供蛋白质构象变化、构象转变途径和罕见构象状态等宝贵的动态信息。而且,HS-AFM 使用的短悬臂具有低流体动力学阻力和大角度变化的特点 ...
For the first time ever, researchers from Japan directly visualized protein translocation across membranes using high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM)—an event that had been biochemically ...
Bristol led the development of the world’s first high speed atomic force microscope (HS-AFM) capable of producing tens of frames every second at an unprecedented nano-scale, in real time. Advances in ...
Real-time HS-AFM observation of Aβ fibril growth and the 4396C antibody binding at the fibril end Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to ...
A conventional AFM scans approximately two lines per second and it takes several minutes to image 500 lines and obtain a complete image. In contrast, high speed AFM (HS AFM) scans a thousand lines per ...
In contrast, another method, high-speed AFM (HS-AFM), is fast but cannot measure mechanical properties. Understanding the potential of this type of microscopy for the analysis of large molecules ...
Light and electron microscopy each have their distinct limitations – with light it becomes increasingly difficult to resolve ...
The NanoRacer ® High-Speed AFM represents a significant advancement in the quantitative imaging field. It has never been simpler to visualize dynamic biological processes in real time with ...