MT-2 细胞上清也可诱导 THP-1 细胞变化和感染:THP-1 细胞与 MT-2 细胞上清共培养,同样能诱导单核细胞分化,上调促炎细胞因子 IL-6 和 ISGs,增加 CD86 + 细胞频率,并且在共培养后的 THP-1 细胞中检测到 HTLV-1 的 tax 基因,这表明细胞变化和感染可以不依赖细胞接触 ...
Figure 1: Pathological findings and flow cytometric analysis of lymphoma cells in Tax transgenic mice.
Her laboratory also investigated the Tax protein of HTLV-3, termed Tax-3. Tax-3 is quite similar to Tax-1 in its genetic sequence, and it may share its molecular properties. They found that Tax-3 has ...