Why does college last four years for just about every student in every major at every university? Why do courses run in rigid ...
Grade inflation in the Ivy League may have started innocently enough, with the emergence in post-World War II of the “gut,” the label given to courses in which the professors rarely, if ever, ...
Plus: Elon Musk’s con. (Grade) inflation. The politics of culture and politics. You’re reading the Today’s Opinions ...
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences voted overwhelmingly to amend the Harvard College student handbook with new language ...
Grade inflation at American universities is out of control. The statistics speak for themselves. In 1950, the average GPA at Harvard was estimated at 2.6 out of 4. By 2003, it had risen to 3.4 ...
In 1894, Harvard University commissioned a report ... Education experts call this "grade inflation." It is often presented as a negative, a sign of lowering standards. However, this is only ...