Acclaimed anime director Hayao Miyazaki, who won a Ramon Magsaysay Award known as "Asia’s Nobel Prize," used his acceptance speech to highlight Japan’s wartime history in the Philippines.
An exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at legendary Japanese animator and director Hayao Miyazaki. For a decade, he allowed a single documentary filmmaker to shadow him. At age 72, he takes on a new ...
“Hayao Miyazaki and the Heron" is a remarkable exploration of artistry, mortality and resilience. Directed by Kaku Arakawa, it chronicles Hayao Miyazaki’s six-year journey crafting what may be ...
Fresh off winning his second Academy Award in March, filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki has earned another accolade, selected to Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential people for 2024. Miyazaki ...
More than two decades after winning his first Oscar, Japan's revered animator Hayao Miyazaki has done it again. The Boy and the Heron beat Disney's Elemental and Spider-Man Across the Spider-verse ...