Tuition and fees for the upcoming academic year will be available soon. Below are the tuition and fees for the 2024-2025 academic year. All amounts are per semester unless otherwise specified. An ...
An outline of the tuition fees for Home and Overseas Postgraduate Research students starting in 2024-25 and 2025-26. The tuition fees you pay in your first year will increase for future years of study ...
Tuition fees for new home undergraduate entrants in 2024-25 are £9,250. Tuition fees for new home undergraduate entrants in 2025-26 are £9,535. We recommend that you check your fee in advance of ...
Tuition and fees for undergraduate degree-seeking and non-degree seeking students for the Academic Year 2024-2025 and Academic Year 2025-2026 can be found in the tables below. Tuition and fees may be ...
Other part-time tuition fees are charged on a pro-rata basis. For modes other than full-time, view the online prospectus for the programme. EU nationals starting their studies from the academic year ...
As the bill for college rises nationally, some families seek alternative ways to pay tuition and avoid student loan debt. Rather than struggling to pay the large sum of tuition and other fees all ...
The two main costs you will face as an undergraduate student are tuition fees and living expenses. Find out more about the financial help and support available. Fees are subject to annual review, so ...