Hormones are typically produced by endocrine glands and together these glands are referred to as ... Somatostatin SS SS inhibits growth hormone release from anterior pituitary. Analogues of ...
The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland contains several types of cells that produce different hormones responsible for regulating other glands throughout the body. The posterior lobe of the ...
The pituitary gland is an endocrine ... which is composed of an anterior, an intermediate and a posterior lobe. It secretes pivotal hormones such as growth hormone, TSH, ACTH and prolactin ...
characterized by concomitant hypersecretion of other anterior pituitary hormones, mainly growth hormone or prolactin. Finally, the measurement of several parameters of peripheral thyroid hormone ...
Purified Cortrophin Gel is the anterior pituitary hormone which stimulates the functioning adrenal cortex to produce and secrete adrenocortical hormones. Increased risk of infections (eg ...