Don’t throw away your amaryllis plants after one season. With care and attention, you can keep your amaryllis bulbs blooming year after year. To coax your amaryllis plants into re-blooming ...
Ready to get the basics on amaryllis care? Here's how to help it bloom longer and thrive indoors—and how to help it get a second (or tenth) act. Related: How to Force Bulbs to Grow Beautiful ...
The care instructions for a waxed amaryllis ... you can saving your waxed amaryllis bulb after it's done blooming. First, you'll need to remove the waxy coating; soaking the entire bulb in warm ...
Amaryllis bulbs are often sold wrapped and will bloom without planting. Many companies suggest tossing the bulb after bloom. However, these bulbs can possibly be saved to have a bloom for next ...
Amaryllis bulbs and blooms make popular and appreciated holiday gifts. Gifted in full bloom to brighten the winter months or lovingly tended to bloom after the new year, amaryllis add vibrant color ...
Two different species are sold as Christmas cactus, their care is ... to pot up the amaryllis in a pot that’s just a little bigger than the bulb and force it to bloom inside. After the danger ...
Some tips on growing: l Amaryllis grow best in narrow ... phosphorus content. l For after-flowering care, cut off the flower head to keep the energy in the bulb instead of allowing it to ...
While poinsettias, amaryllis, holly, holiday cacti and evergreens receive much of the attention during the holidays, paperwhites also appear in many stores.