Whether or not the musty smells in your sofa are caused by pets, using a pet deodorizer can help to break down organic causes of smells and refresh any upholstery, suggests Jade Piper, cleaning ...
Here’s how to get rid of the musty smell in a house. If you’ve ever been somewhere ... disposing of whatever is causing the problem. Remove any wet wood, musty fabric, or any other wet or ...
Can I use an air purifier to help with musty odors? Yes! We use them throughout the house including in our basement. Air purifiers with HEPA filters and activated carbon can help remove mold ...
But these temporary fixes won’t make anything better for the long haul—they’ll only layer another smell on top of the nasty ...
Damp clothes are another breeding ground for mold. If you're throwing a load of laundry in, make sure you'll be home to ...