Restorative practices promote the creation of spaces of trust and respect with members of the campus community coming together for difficult conversations, deep listening and restorative dialogue ...
Using an educational approach, we help students learn and grow and to develop a deeper understanding of their obligations within community and the impact of their actions on themselves and others. We ...
This webinar explores the relationship between restorative justice values and the architecture and design of spaces in which justice occurs, including restorative practices. This exploration includes ...
Restorative Justice (RJ), is a communal approach to prevent or respond to harm, with an emphasis on healing, social support, and active accountability. RJ includes a variety of practices, with many ...
Conflict is an opportunity to see what needs our attention in the community. You will explore the relevance and use of restorative practices in community development and examine social development as ...
Drawing on the latest research, you will explore and critique three core models—mediation, conferencing, and circles. We'll also discuss other models and restorative practices, using international ...
Failings in UK policing have left victims feeling betrayed, prompting calls for the use of restorative practice to rebuild trust, address harm and prioritise humanity over bureaucracy. The past few ...
Circles are a type of restorative practice centering restorative justice philosophy, which is “rooted in Indigenous teachings… [and] is one way to engage in intentional community building using a ...