The GMoC system is therefore a more complete in vitro model because it replicates, architecturally, the cells lining the human intestine, and offers a more physiologically-relevant model compared ...
How will you create the mouse model? We will use germ-free mice — mice bred with no bacteria in their guts — to trial three methods of recreating the human small-intestinal microbiome in mice.
The GMoC system is therefore a more complete in vitro model because it replicates, architecturally, the cells lining the human intestine, and offers a more physiologically-relevant model compared ...
View Full Profile. Learn about our Editorial Policies. Last October, another group of researchers published in Nature Medicine their success using pluripotent stem cells to grow miniature human ...
Figure 5: Telomere dysfunction peaks at the adenoma-carcinoma transition in human colorectal carcinogenesis ... The complete small and large intestine of the mice was resected en block, opened ...
Human Intestinal Enteroids With Inducible Neurogenin-3 Expression as a Novel Model of Gut Hormone Secretion. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;8(2):209-229. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2019.04.010. Epub ...
"Our aim was to create a system that more closely mimics human intestinal tissue. This model will allow us to study in detail key processes such as cell regeneration or changes associated with ...
Using a cellular model of the human small intestine, coupled with a lab-based gastrointestinal apparatus that simulates the digestive system, the researchers found that nano-size plastic particles ...