a: Gross anatomy of lung and thorax. b: Microscopic anatomy of bronchial wall. C: View of terminal airway and alveoli. d: Alveolar structure.
Lung metastases are a devastating reality for over half of cancer patients whose tumors spread beyond their initial sites.
The new study has revealed a previously unknown aspect: the importance of this protein during human lung embryogenesis ...
When it comes to understanding the human blood circulation system, one fascinating aspect is the lung was ist tonerin capillaries. These veins play an ...
Inhalation and exhalation is the same as breathing or ventilation and is a physical process which moves air into and out of your lungs. Respiration is not the same as breathing, and is a chemical ...
Grown in a dish from human stem cells, lung organoids are multicellular, three-dimensional structures that aim to recreate key features of human tissues such as cellular complexity and architecture.