How many people will travel during a given week between two specific cities? Answering this question is important for many ...
The isotope analysis of the Puig Castellar and Ullastret sites suggests distinct mobility patterns among these individuals, ...
This is the conclusion reached by a study led by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) which analyzed the mobility ...
This program is no longer active. Using foresight and policy analysis tools, it provides government, non-profit, and private sector leaders with evidence-based recommendations on how to boost ...
The nailed heads ritual did not correspond to the same symbolic expression among the Iberian communities of the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, but rather a practice that differed in each ...
26, 2022-2023 Travel Pattern Analysis on Switching Beh ... "The promises of big data and small data for travel behavior (aka human mobility) analysis." Transportation research part C: emerging ...
How many people will travel during a given week between two specific cities? Answering this question is important for many reasons, for example, to ...