Hydrogen faces a number of challenges when ... While the GM fleet uses the filling station to top off its vehicles this incident did not involve any of GM's vehicles, personnel or customers.
Only a year and a half after it was scheduled to open, the first hydrogen-dispensing station in India should be up and running this fall. The hydrogen will be supplied by Eden Energy Ltd ...
But how should the hydrogen get to the trains' filling stations? The best way to do this is by rail, says the State Energy Agency of Hesse. It commissioned DB Energie, the energy supplier of ...
Rather than a conventional engine, the Riversimple Rasa uses a small 8.5kW fuel cell (equivalent to around 11hp) to combine with oxygen and generate electricity to power the four motors located at ...
22 November 2023, Saxony-Anhalt, Magdeburg: Trucks parked at a hydrogen filling station. The filling ... [+] station was built by the company "H2 Mobility". Trucks can refuel there at 350 bar.
The US Department of Transportation will award $122.9 million to the state of California to set up EV chargers and hydrogen fuelling stations in the state.