什么值得买社区频道 on MSN17 小时
兄弟们买CPU别瞎跟风!今天咱就唠唠怎么选不踩坑,看完保你比电脑城奸商还懂行! 【i3/i5/i7/i9四兄弟怎么选】 •i3:办公三件套+LOL够用,但想多开网页就卡成PPT •i5:打工人本命!PS修图/3A大作都能扛,不知道买啥就选它 ...
什么值得买社区频道 on MSN1 天
闲鱼购买英特尔 12 代 i3 12100F 避坑指南
闲鱼上 INTEL 12 代 i3 处理器 12100F 价格诱人,但需警惕翻新风险。​ 性能上,12100F 采用 10 纳米制程工艺,4 核心 8 线程,基础频率 3.3GHz,睿频可达 4.3GHz。搭配主流主板和显卡,在日常办公如多开办公软件 ...
Per AndroidPC (originally in Spanish), the chip is built using Intel’s 7nm process and has a maximum TDP of 15W, ensuring ...
700元左右的Ryzen 3 2200G拥有不俗的显示性能,而Intel的八代i3价格也下潜到了650左右,玩家们也许会陷入一度的选择困难之中..... 【PConline 对比杂谈】第二代锐龙首先上市的Ryzen 3 2200G和Ryzen 5 2400G又一次刷新了核显的性能,也成为了许多入门级玩家的首选CPU之一。
If you're looking for a dependable and affordable laptop for everyday tasks, a device with an Intel Core i3 processor could be an excellent choice. Core i3 laptops offer a great balance of ...
Intel launched its 11th Gen Core processors for laptops and desktops last year. These are the latest and fastest processors from Intel so far. There’s 11th Gen Intel Core i3, i5 and i7 ...