本研究聚焦于初级保健中互联网认知行为治疗(ICBT)对酒精依赖治疗效果的个体差异,揭示了酒精依赖严重程度对治疗效果的显著影响,为精准治疗提供了重要依据 在当今社会,酒精依赖问题日益凸显,给个人健康和社会带来了沉重负担。传统治疗方式在初级 ...
ICBT Campus the leading private sector Education Institute in Sri Lanka was awarded by Edexcel, UK as Sri Lanka's largest center with most number of students enrolled for Higher National Diploma (HND) ...
Mr. RanjithJayasundara, Principal of Nalanda College felicitating Mr. Chathuranga (a proud old boy of Nalanda College & one of the finest graduates of BSc (Hons) in IT at ICBT City Campus) at the ...
All figures exclude catches not made as a wicketkeeper. Performances in matches that overlap decades are credited to the year in which they occurred - this results in some unknown data, especially ...
Records includes the following current or recent matches: India vs Leicestershire at Leicester, India tour of England Tour Match, Jun 23-26, 2022 [Other match] India vs New Zealand XI at Hamilton ...