电子信箱地址 * 国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)重达2.3万吨,近30米高,将蔚为大观。这座核聚变反应堆将位于一个占地180公顷的场地中心,配有辅助厂房和设备。ITER在拉丁语中意为“路”,其巨大规模将显著超过目前正在运行的最大实验聚变反应堆——位于英国的 ...
The ITER project, one of the most ambitious scientific endeavors in history, involves the participation of 35 nations. F4E, in partnership with the AMW consortium, has brought together experts ...
The 8-tonne cryopumps, each a 1.6-meter diameter, 3.5-meter long steel cylinder, contain complex precision mechanics. They incorporate what is believed to be the world’s largest all-metal vacuum ...