Burn-Murdoch’s observations comport with my work on the rapid increase of the US money supply that began with the Covid pandemic in February 2020. Following the money supply surge, asset prices soared ...
The knee-jerk reaction to more earned income escaping the payroll tax is to increase what high earners are paying into Social Security. This is an especially appealing route to take considering the ...
Since the ’80s the US has experienced not only a steady increase in income inequality, but also a contemporaneous increase in residential segregation by income. Using US Census data, we document a ...
[Rogé Karma: Why America abandoned the greatest economy ... which are supposed to tell you what has actually happened to income inequality over the past half century. But it turns out that ...
Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. Economía Vol. 11, No. 2, Spring 2011 Recent Trends in Income Inequality in La ...
With COVID accelerating the arrival of the ultra-wealthy, Teton County in Wyoming is now home to the widest income divide in America, with a median house price of more than $3.5 million ...
The Gini coefficient gives us a single sliding scale to measure income inequality, but what does it actually mean? The answer is off-puttingly complex. If you plot population percentiles by income ...
A newly released regional report on economic inequality ranked Chile as one of the top 15 countries in the world with the worst inequality of income distribution and declares Latin America and the ...