INCJ董事长兼CEO Toshiyuki Shiga表示,自2012年JDI成立以来,INCJ一直是JDI的主要股东,致力于提高日本面板行业的国际竞争力。INCJ向JDI注入总计4620亿日元的投资和贷款。
日本经济产业省监管的政府与民间合作企业INCJ披露,已通过市场出售其持有的日本显示公司(JDI)全部股份,亏损1547亿日元(74.6397亿元人民币)。 INCJ董事长兼CEO Toshiyuki Shiga表示,自2012年JDI成立以来,INCJ一直是JDI的主要股东,致力于提高日本面板行业的国际 ...
IT之家 3 月 18 日消息,日本官民合资企业 INCJ(日本产业革新投资机构)当地时间 14 日宣布,已分批出清其在显示企业 JDI 的全部持股。 INCJ 作为 JDI ...
INCJ, a public-private partnership overseen by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), has disclosed ...
According to the latest report from Omdia’s Automotive Display Intelligence Service, global automotive display panel shipments reached 232 million units in 2024, reflecting a 6.3% year-on-year growth.
JDI said its screen makes full use of image processing technology to function as an essential in-car system. The touch panel uses original technology to identify the person operating it.
However, as competitors from South Korea and China rose, JDI has struggled in the global market. The Supreme Court today dismissed the lawsuit filed by Meta (formerly Facebook) against the ...
JDI was established through the integration of small and midsize LCD production operations of Hitachi Ltd., Toshiba Corp. and Sony Corp. INCJ supported JDI’s reconstruction since it was ...