This twenty-two show series, Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home, was the winner of The James Beard Foundations Award for Best National Cooking Show2001, and the duo received a 2001 Daytime Emmy ...
This story has been updated. Jacques Pépin picks chanterelles every summer in the backyard of his Connecticut home. They pop from the ground, wavy golden goblets waiting for him in the shade.
If anyone knows French cuisine, it's this legendary chef. Chef, cookbook author, and French food expert Jacques Pépin has been doling out culinary wisdom for decades, and at age 89 — when he ...
How would you define "fast food" in a conventional sense? How does your definition of this term differ as it applies to your new book and series, Jacques Pépin: Fast Food My Way ... One great ...
The twenty-two episode series, Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home, was the winner of The James Beard Foundation’s award for Best National Cooking Show — 2001, and the duo received a 2001 ...
Experience Born in 1935 in Bourg-en-Bresse, France, near Lyon, Pépin always found the kitchen to be a place of both comfort and excitement. He helped in his parents' restaurant, Le Pélican, and ...
Chef, cookbook author, and French food expert Jacques Pépin has been doling out culinary wisdom for decades, and at age 89 — when he’s not busy painting — he’s still an active force in the food world.