the true purpose was the commercial harvesting of whale meat for food and thus illegal under the 1986 International Moratorium on Whaling of which Japan is a signatory. We believed the Japanese when ...
In response, Japan embarked on a “research whaling” program in the Antarctic Sea in 1987 and in the Northwest Pacific Ocean in 1994 to gather data on the rise in whale stocks. The meat from ...
Japan is defying the world by whaling — claiming that it's for scientific research. The country plans on killing 333 minke whales by the end of next summer, and to continue their whaling program ...
WWF revealed today on the opening day of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting in Brazil. Harvesting krill and fishing is banned in the Ross Sea MPA special protection zone, yet Japan is ...
Japan ended its annual whale hunt in Antarctica early following clashes between its fleet and protesters, Agriculture Minister Michihiko Kano said. The government made the decision “to secure ...
Japan caught a total of 294 minke whales, Bryde’s whales and sei whales last year, said the Fisheries Agency, which currently limits commercial whaling to the three relatively minor species.
Undeterred by declining appetites for whale meat, and unfazed by global opposition to commercial hunts, Japan's whaling industry is doubling down. Earlier this month, a company unveiled a new ...
Fresh fin whale meat was auctioned in Japan for the first time in nearly 50 years, with prices reaching over $1,300 per kilogram on Thursday. This marks a significant moment for Japan's whaling ...
Having failed to persuade the International Whaling Commission (IWC) at its September 2018 meeting to overturn its longstanding ban on commercial whaling, Japan left the IWC on June 30, 2019, after ...