first-time director Adam Marcus essentially attempted to make a Friday the 13th movie without Jason Voorhees. The series' famously unstoppable hockey mask-wearing murderer is blown to bits by a ...
If you're embarking on a Friday the 13th marathon hoping to see Jason Voorhees in his hockey mask, Friday the 13th Part 2 at least gets you halfway there. This is the series' first entry to ...
Jason Voorhees was his usual murderous self in the fourth Friday the 13th movie, but behind the scenes the actor playing the hockey mask-wearing killer played hero to one of his young co-stars.
"Part III" was the first to actually open on Friday the 13th (August 13, 1982), the first to experiment with 3D, and the first appearance of Jason's mask. Even though the movie was critically ...
Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th comes to life with her iconic hockey mask on the side of her head, complete with a formidable atmosphere that brings forth the original power of the character." ...