Jellycat(中文名称“吉利猫”),这个源自英国伦敦的高端玩具品牌,近年来在全球范围内迅速走红,成为无数儿童和成年人的心头好。2022年就卖出超过13亿元,如今显然不止这个数字。它的单件成交均价在300-400元之间,远远超过其他毛绒玩具。 Jellycat在国内也 ...
艺恩发布的《2024年JELLYCAT品牌洞察报告》深入分析了JELLYCAT品牌的市场表现、营销策略和用户画像。JELLYCAT,这个创立于1999年的英国高端玩具品牌,以其柔软面料和趣味设计而闻名,尤其是其害羞邦尼兔成为全球标志性产品。品牌面向全年龄段,不仅为儿童提供 ...
THE COOL HOUR - The Cool Hour is the ultimate destination that offers a captivating blend of fashion trends, designer collections, beauty insights, makeup tutorials, and a curated shopping experience ...
Jellyfish are known for drifting to and fro at the whim of ocean currents—but not all species are so passive. The millions of golden jellyfish that pack Palau’s Jellyfish Lake spend much of ...