活动的具体内容是,麦当劳列举出了世界范围内不同时期的 几位著名数学家,他们都 为圆周率“Π”的提出做出了一定贡献,并借助话题 “吃个派向他致敬”为产品注入互动价值。
KFC has transformed misleading ‘fake game advertisements’ cluttering social feeds into actual, playable mobile games as part ...
哈哈哈哈哈最喜欢看品牌打架了。 尤其是巨头互怼太精彩了。 上周麦当劳打出碰瓷KFC的“CFC”,对肯德基贴脸开大, 掀起了第一波对白发老头(肯德基爷爷)的“霸凌”。 不但把网友看笑了, 还在互联网上疯狂发酵了。 而看到对家“挑事儿”,老老的小子(不是)肯德基也不是吃干饭的。 品牌部虽不语,但越想越气。 连夜找小车紧急巡街, 专门挑麦当劳门店前安营扎寨。
KFC is taking the Kentucky out of Kentucky Fried Chicken. The fried chicken chain is officially moving to Texas. Its owner, Yum! Brands, which is also parent to Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and Habit Burger & ...
The KFC chain — launched by Colonel Harland Sanders and his secret blend of 11 herbs and spices — will be based in Plano, Texas, and about 100 KFC corporate employees will be relocated in the ...
KFC and Pizza Hut employees will report to a new headquarters in Plano, Texas. Taco Bell and Habit Burger & Grill will remain headquartered in Irvine, California. Louisville, Kentucky, leaders ...
This move will relocate the KFC U.S. corporate office from Louisville to Plano. The company stated its U.S.-based remote employees are being asked to relocate to the Plano or Irvine campus ...
KFC is shifting its US headquarters from Kentucky to Texas. KFC's parent company, Yum Brands, said in a press release on Tuesday that the group would designate two brand headquarters in the US ...
KFC, the company once known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, is leaving the state for Texas. The chain founded by Col. Harland Sanders is leaving its Louisville headquarters to set up shop in the ...
The fried chicken chain’s U.S. headquarters will move from Louisville, Kentucky, to Plano, Texas, owner Yum Brands said Tuesday. About 100 KFC U.S. employees will be required to relocate over ...
This move will relocate the KFC U.S. corporate office from Louisville to Plano. The company stated its U.S.-based remote employees are being asked to relocate to the Plano or Irvine campus ...