为探究肾衰风险方程(KFRE)临床应用及慢性肾病(CKD)患者白蛋白尿检测差异,研究发现检测率低且存在不平等,KFRE 可早识别高风险患者。 在全球范围内,慢性肾病(CKD)如同隐藏在人群中的 “健康杀手”,悄无声息地影响着约 10% 的人口。大多数 CKD 患者 ...
Sinclair on Monday appointed Tanya Winscott vice president and general manager of its KMPH (Fox) and KFRE (CW) in Fresno, Calif. In making the announcement, Rob Weisbord, Sinclair’s chief ...
FRESNO, Calif., February 24, 2025--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sinclair today announced the appointment of Tanya Winscott as Vice President and General Manager of KMPH/FOX and KFRE/CW in Fresno, CA.