Earlier, travelling from Khulna to Dhaka by the Sundarban Express or Chitra Express took over eight hours and involved higher fares. The new trains will complete the journey in just around four hours, ...
According to railway officials, currently, two trains - the Sundarban Express and the Chitra Express are - plying the Dhaka-Khulna route. The Sundarban Express goes to Khulna via the Padma Bridge ...
Both trains will have Mondays off. Currently, two intercity trains, Sundarban Express and Chitra Express, operate on the Dhaka-Khulna route. While Sundarban Express uses the Padma Bridge route ...
For weeks, the embankment shielding East Dhangmari, in the Khulna district of southwestern ... Ghoramara Island, India, on the western edge of the Sundarbans mangrove forest, has been robbed ...