新老科蜜们,应该都对大师之路这个系列情感深厚,在科9复刻之前,我还花了2k+买了双全新元年的Kobe 9 Elite大师之路,爱是真的爱,可惜元年已经不方便在下地穿着了。当我得知9代大师之路要复刻的时候,期待值还是很高的,甚至在发售期间还登上了久违的SNKRS ...
However, in one of 2K's blog posts around the time first released ... "So let's look forward a few months and reveal that Kobe Bryant will be the top reward in the Collector Level, and this ...
Real Mornings For Women, Fake Biopic for Kobe: The Top 5 Ads Of The Week Kobe Bryant's legend lives on for gamers, Secret tests equal pay stress, Game of Thrones perfects the teaser.