近年来,随着电视剧《白莲花度假村》的热播,泰国的奢华酒店频频成为热议的话题。剧中那些享受着阳光、海滩与奢华而被当地人称作“LBH”(Losers Back Home)的白人男性,让人不禁思考:在这个看似完美的度假胜地,他们凭什么能在金碧辉煌的环境中扮演“国王”? 开场镜头中的苏梅岛四季酒店如同乌托邦,佛像安静地守望,巨蜥游弋于热带植物之中,而那些来自西方的男性客人们,却仿佛是从生活的边缘一跃而入的 ...
Defined as a “stereotype of the older, rich, bald white male…who retires to Thailand with a much younger wife,” the name “LBH ...
“你会发现泰国有很多光头白人。”这句关于当代社会的尖锐对话,出自近期热播的剧集《白莲花度假村》。在这个背景下,丰富的叙事与深刻的社会观察融汇成了一幅复杂的现实图景。剧中的“Losers Back Home”(LBH),在母国过得并不如意,却能在东南亚的奢华酒店中如同“国王”般享受。这种极端反差,不仅引发观众的深思,也促使我们对全球权力关系进行更为深入的审视。
While viewers get acquainted with the crystal-clear waters and new characters, many notice the acronym "LBH" popping up throughout the season. So, what does it mean? What does "LBH" mean in 'The ...
The Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH Jakarta) will file a lawsuit against energy giant Pertamina and its subsidiaries to ensure compensation for consumers potentially affected by the allegedly ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Jakarta revealed that public trust in Pertamina is dwindling due to the alleged fuel adulteration (BBM) of Pertamax. According to data from the ...