詹姆斯、八村塁伤愈复出,阵容完整洛杉矶湖人今天却于主场以115比146惨败给芝加哥公牛。LBJ仅表示,还有12场来为季后赛准备,球队也要避免打附加赛。从左腹股沟拉伤恢复,LBJ今天上场31分钟,以16中7,贡献17分、6篮板、4助攻、3抢断,但罚球仅 ...
5 天
Laredo Morning Times on MSNFRIDAY BASEBALL: LBJ outlasts Medina Valley 12-10LBJ and Medina Valley got in a good old fashioned barnburner on March 21. The Wolves came out alive with a 12-10 victory to improve to 12-6 overall and 3-1 in District 30-6A play. Medina Valley had an ...