1. 英雄联盟S15赛季LPL春季赛将于1月12日正式拉开帷幕,采用无畏征召模式和一阶段四组内循环赛制。 2. 2月16日,TES对阵LGD,最终TES零封LGD晋级季后赛 ...
虎扑01月22日讯 【GAME1】LGD蓝色方、WE红色方 LGD禁用:艾希、婕拉、韦鲁斯、布隆、阿卡丽 LGD选用:sasi兰博、climber瑟庄妮、xqw永恩、shaoye伊泽 ...
Wang "Ame" Chunyu has announced he will be taking a break from competitive play and has been moved to inactive status for PSG.LGD. PSG.LGD has been at the top of not only the Chinese Dota 2 scene but ...
China will have five teams fighting this year on The international 10 stage for a shot at the most wanted trophy in the professional Dota 2 scene. One of the five squads is the reinvented PSG.LGD, who ...