伦敦金属交易所(简称LME,全称London Metal Exchange )是世界上最大的有色金属交易所,成立于1876年,交易品种有铜、铝、铅、锌、镍和铝合金,交易所的价格和库存对世界范围的有色金属生产和销售有着重要的影响。 LME采用国际会员资格制,其中多于95%的交易 ...
3 月 5 日 LME 有色金属注册及注销仓单:铜等多种金属仓单量有增有减。 【3 月 5 日伦敦金属交易所有色金属注册及注销仓单情况】铜注册仓单 148300 ...
伦敦3月11日消息:周二伦敦金属交易所(LME)期铜上涨,因为美元疲软,而且交易所注册仓库的可用库存下降,抵消了热门对美国关税政策可能导致 ...
LME copper contract prices are quoted in US dollars and are sold in lots of 25 metric tons. They can be settled via physical delivery between a network of LME-approved warehouses around the world.
THE London Metal Exchange (LME) has now fully recovered from its near-death nickel crisis in 2022, with trading activity last year the strongest since 2015 and the fourth highest on record.
The LME in response halted trading and canceled almost $4 billion worth of trades. The FCA and BoE said in a joint statement that they are focused on the LME conducting trading in an orderly and ...
The three-month copper contract on the London Metal Exchange (LME) slid 0.3% to $9,449 a ton by 0814 GMT. The copper on the Shanghai Futures Exchange slid 1.0% to 77,030 yuan ($10,616.04).