Teamfight Tactics Into the Arcane just crowned its champion and with it, the end of TFT Set 13 has reached its victory lap.
云顶之弈手游相信大家非常熟悉了,自走棋玩法休闲护肝,相比于传统moba手游节奏更慢,游戏节奏强度也没有那么大。现在云顶之弈手游也即将迎来s14版本,全新的赛博城主题十分炫酷,一系列全新的羁绊以及机制等待玩家们去探索挖掘。当然,玩家们想在正式服体验到s ...
This page acts as a comprehensive breakdown of the 13.7 Patch for TFT, including a link to the full Patch Notes. Scrap units holding a Radiant Thief’s Gloves count as holding 2 items ...
Riot Games has announced a new Tier 1 esports circuit for its auto battler title, TFT, giving the community hope.
Riot Games has announced a $5m prize pool for the League of Legends (LoL) World Championship 2025. The publisher’s Global ...
We are officially on the home stretch of the 13th Teamfight Tactics expansion, TFT: Into the Arcane as Patch TFT13.7 is the update in which the TFT Into the Arcane World Championship, also known ...
According to an official press release, "the collaboration will feature EWC in-broadcast activations at LoL Esports, VCT, and TFT global LAN events." Fabian Scheuermann, Chief Games Officer of the ...