为探究 TFE3 重排肾癌(TFE3 rRCC)脂质代谢特征及机制,研究发现 TFE3 融合蛋白促其进展,LAMP2A 或成新靶点。 在肾癌的神秘世界里,有一种特殊类型的肾癌 ——TFE3 重排肾癌(TFE3 rRCC),它像一个隐藏在黑暗中的 “特殊战士”,有着独特的生物学行为和代谢特征。
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet, led by Dr. Helin Norberg and Dr. Erik Norberg, have identified a previously unknown ...
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have identified a previously unknown mechanism that affects the ability of cancer cells ...
Schematic representation of the interaction of the full-length LAMP2A molecules and the N-domain truncated LAMP2A molecules on the lumenal membrane. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not ...