15 天on MSN
零跑汽车正式揭晓,旗下全新车型零跑B10即将于3月10日启动预售活动。这款车型源自零跑B平台,是该平台精心打造的首款力作,集成了先进的LEAP 3.5技术架构,并配备了激光雷达,为驾驶者提供卓越的高阶智能驾驶辅助功能。首批零跑B10量产车型已顺利下线并启动发运。
来自MSN6 个月
“LEAP TO EUROPE 零跑西游记”欧洲之行启程近日,零跑汽车“LEAP TO EUROPE 零跑西游记”活动发车仪式在杭州举行,由零跑SUV家族三车组成的车队即日从杭州启程,跨越亚欧大陆,抵达法国巴黎 ...
来自MSN1 个月
极石01闪耀沙特LEAP展,中东新能源市场迎来中国力量在沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得,全球科技盛会LEAP展迎来了一位引人注目的中国嘉宾——极石汽车。作为中国新能源车企的代表,极石汽车携其旗舰产品全 ...
LEAP is aimed to sustain and improve ... Language Proficiency Pay and other language-related opportunities in the Air Force. For more Air Force news and information, visit Military.com.
The Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) is managed by the Air Force Culture and Language Center to develop Airmen with different specialties and careers who have the ability to communicate in ...
2 天
NewsNation on MSNF-47 fighter jet will be ‘generational leap of capability’: Retired Air Force generalThe government announced Friday that Boeing won a $20B contract to manufacture the military’s new F-47 fighter jets. One jet will cost $300 million to make and it will be more ...